Has Milwaukee become a Comedy Mecca?

“…the Milwaukee Comedy Festival continues to grow in its eighth consecutive year, according to Matt Kemple, founder and producer. Next Act Theatre will host the festival Aug. 1-4. Featured Milwaukee performers include stand-ups Sammy Arechar, Erik Koconis and Ryan Mason.

The festival ‘started almost as a mistake,’ says Kemple, who oversees submissions with co-producer Patrick Schmitz. ‘There was a small underground community. We got everybody together and called it The First Annual Sketch and Improv Festival. A couple hundred people showed up.’ Last year attendance increased into the thousands. ‘So this year, we added live music and food from Skyline Catering. Plus, burgers and brats outside,’ Kemple adds. Advance ticket sales have soared along with nationwide interest. More than 130 comedians from around the U.S. and Canada applied for slots in the festival.”

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